Unsere Modelle


Individueller Zugang


  • Voller Zugang zum Delir E-Learning, inkl. Delir-Film, Wissenstest, Zertifikat
  • Delir Präventions-Tools
  • Zugang zur Community
  • Bibliothek mit Erfahrungsberichten von Patienten und weiteren Inhalten
  • Optional: Zugang zum Delir-Videospiel für einmalig 19,95

Organisation / Krankenhaus

Kontaktiere uns

  • Voller Zugang zum Delir E-Learning, inkl. Delir-Film, Wissenstest, Zertifikat
  • Delir Präventions-Tools
  • Zugang zur Community
  • Bibliothek mit Erfahrungsberichten von Patienten und weiteren Inhalten
  • Zugang zum Delir-Videospiel inklusive
  • Regelmässige detaillierte Reports mit Abschluss- und Benutzungsstatistiken
  • Zugang zu standardisierten Delir-SOPs für Kliniken
  • Anbindung an das eigene Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Zugang zu den einzelnen Inhalten für die Wiederverwendung im eigenen LMS
  • Bis zu 3 Anpassungen der Lerninhalte nach Wunsch
  • Bis zu 2 Schulungen in Personen und Online pro Jahr

Frequently asked questions

What courses will I take?

All music majors take a group of basic musicianship classes including music theory, ear training, music history, and music technology, and piano specific lessons. You will also take private lessons with an applied instructor.

What can this school offer that I cannot get at other online schools?

First, you will participate in a thriving music department, surrounded by a culturally and musically rich community. Next, you will have the opportunity to learn from some of the most notable musicians in the field. Third, ImprovPiano is intricately involved with music education across the U.S. Our students regularly participate in local, state-wide, and national clinics, conventions, and festivals.ImprovPiano is also host to a number of workshops, contests, music enrichment programs, and other events in which music education educators are involved.

What if the student and teacher’s personalities don’t work well together or the student is dissatisfied? 

This is one of the advantages of taking your lessons at our school – we have 16 teachers so if a problem occurs – which is extremely rare – we can switch you over to one of the other teachers. If you think you may get more out of lessons from a teacher with a different teaching style, we have the flexibility to change you to another instructor.